Coaching Basics
Coaching can be particularly appropriate at challenging times in an employee's career, particularly at time of change, and is now well established as a learning and development practice. The advancing popularity of the profession reflects a need arising in business and society for people to find solutions to the complexities they face in their life, career and profession.
Professional coaching is designed to help people in organisations reach their potential. Growing staff capabilities, especially young entrepreneurs, is another way to grow the organisation's capabilities. It is used when a safe and objective environment is required to discuss and give support when trying to identify development needs, plans and goals for individuals or teams.
Often coaching is appropriate when dealing with issues of confidence, focus, commitment or frustration. If the employee lacks skills or abilities, or resources to complete tasks or reach goals, then a teaching approach may be more applicable.
There is clear evidence that through coaching we can impact the performance of a company, targeting key individuals who you want to grow and improve. The key benefits of coaching include:
- Helping individuals to identify realistic career goals that are clear and achievable. With the help of a coach they have a better chance of success by actively working towards those goals.
- Providing a unique 1-1 environment which allows for quick and direct feedback in an encouraging and supportive manner.
- Providing a “safe space” relationship that should be one of guidance and support, allowing for complex issues to be dealt with more directly.
- Building trust within a coaching relationship which may help individuals understand “blind-spots” that they may have towards their behaviour or attitudes.
Coaching is a well-researched and well documented process. There are many courses, methods and models already designed. Here we present the basic steps common to most coaching approaches.
Usually these steps are cyclical in nature, ensuring constant review until success is achieved. The basic steps are:
- Reflection - exploring existing issues, problems, feelings, behaviours and visions. This step includes:
- Meeting the coach and establishing the parameters of the coaching session
- Setting a clear and agreed goal which is measurable and achievable
- Exploration - seeking alternative approaches and options for issues/targets identified. This step includes:
- Making specific plans and use SMART goals to help define them so that they are achievable
- Actions - designed to alter existing patterns of behaviour or develop new skills. This step includes:
- Taking actions as outlined in the agreed plan
- Refining the plan to ensure that it is practical and appropriate to your goals
How Coaching Works
Basics of Coaching from “Wellcoaches”